Edlon - Fluoropolymers
Edlon's exclusive Loose Lining Technology has proven to be reliable in extremely aggressive services.
Because it is not bond to the metal structure of the vessel, it is inherently stable in highly permeable service.
When permeants pass through a lining and a metal substrate, they are channeled safely out so they do not change the system.
Hydrofluoric acid (HF) can be especially challenging to handle with most materials of construction. Fluoropolymers have prove to be up to the challenge.
- 在高温下使用无机酸/流体时,如果衬里宽松而不粘接,则最好。
- 消除/减少衬里接头的应力(此处指与其他类型法兰相连的焊缝和接头)。清除所有的气焊和衬里的任何机械固定,尤其是在喷嘴、检修孔和阀体法兰附近。这些将作为应力梯级。
- Edlon 推荐使用在给定的操作条件下达到最佳性能的 LowStressTM 和 Pure-FusionTM 宽松衬里
Fusion-machine welded construction provides smooth, indiscernible seams with tensile and elongation properties equal to those of the unseamed film itself.
Edlon's proprietary thermoforming techniques are used to make dished heads and other complex shapes. These processes limit the amount of hand welding, thereby increasing product reliability.