Frames and Holders

Normag - Lab & Process Glass


For assembling apparatus and equipment in Borosilicate glass 3.3, a variable scaffolding structural system is available. The basic components of this system are stainless steel tubes in different diameters, as well as structure fittings, in different designs and in corresponding sizes, which are used to join the tubes together. The fittings are available in closed, as well as in open designs, for easier installation later. The advantages of the scaffolding system are its high flexibility, low weight, easy assembly, and extendibility.

For special applications, other materials, such as structure tubing and fittings in fiberglass or with an acid-resistant coating, can be used. Our specialized department is at your disposal for additional information.

The structure fittings are used to attach the mounting equipment for the glass components and apparatus, such as support rings, pipe supports, support brackets or pipe clamps, as well as anchor and expansion points.

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Lab & Process Glass