Rohr- und Schlauchleitungen
Normag - Lab & Process Glass

- Horizontally laid pipes are loaded with the liquid content in addition to their own weight
- In order to distribute this load evenly, an appropriate number of supports must be provided
- More detailed information on laying can be found in the chapter „Technical Information“
- KF: Flanges designed as in drawing with KF ball and KF cup
- Permissible operating temperature: -50...+200°C
- Permissible operating pressure:
- 1...6 barg DN015-025, -1...4 barg DN040-050,
- 1...3 barg DN080, -1...2 barg DN100-150,
- 1...1barg DN200-300, -1...0,5 barg DN400-600
- Material product contacting: borosilicate glass 3.3
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